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2009³â ¹ßÇà 1609³â ½Ã º¥Ã³ È£(Sea Venture) ³ÆÄ (¹öÁö´Ï¾Æ ½Ä¹ÎÁö·Î °¡´Â ¿µ±¹ÀÎ Á¤Âø¹Î ž½Â) ÅëÈ°¨µ¶Ã»(Bermuda Monetary Authority) 40Áֳ⠱â³ä °ü·ÃÀÚ·á(http://www.bma.bm/notes-and-coins/SitePages/Home.aspx) (Since its inception on 20th February 1969, the Bermuda Monetary Authority was granted responsibility by virtue of Section 9 of the Bermuda Monetary Authority Act 1969 for the issue Bermuda¡¯s national currency – Bermuda dollars and cents. The design of the currency has always reflected traditional Bermuda landscapes, flora and fauna and it is this representation of unique Bermudian features that has made our currency of interest to dealers/numismatists both locally and overseas.
The Notes and Coins of Bermuda throughout the years are also featured in the Authority¡¯s Note and Coin Exhibit located at the Authority¡¯s main premises – BMA House, 43 Victoria Street, Hamilton. This Exhibit is open from 9:00am – 4:00pm daily (Monday – Friday) and is ably supported by a Note Exhibit located at the Commissioner¡¯s House, Bermuda Maritime Museum in Dockyard.)